
Hello, everyone, I guess I should kick this off by introducing myself, my name is Malley and I am married to an amazing man named Kyle, and we have (in my opinion) the most amazing daughter in the world. Her name is Bellea (pronounced the same as Bella) and she is my everything. And I mean everything! To me, she is the stars, the moon, the sky and so much more.

I have been married to Kyle for a little over a year now and every day is an adventure. We started off our family a little different but we’re where we’re at and happy and that’s what’s important. We hadn’t even been married a year when we had our daughter. So baby plus new marriage? Things can definitely get a little tricky. But with a whole lot of love, patience, and Jesus we make it work.

I wanted to start somewhere I could talk about the wonderful parts of being a mom and a wife of course along with the hard parts. It wouldn’t be life without them. So if you’re a mom, dad, wife, husband, anyone really and you wanna find someone who can relate to you your at the right place. If this blog can help one person, make someone laugh, or make someone feel like they’re not alone in the daily mom struggles then I will be happy. And if not at least I’m having fun.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Giving Birth To Bellea

I remember the day I gave birth to Bellea like it was a dream. I remember most of the details but there is a foggy haze around it all. I remember a nurse coming in and setting up the different tools as I told her I was scared I wouldn’t be able to push her out. How can I push and help if my body is completely numb? I remember my nurse coming in and turning me on my side and telling me to take deep breaths. I remember my mom saying I had to keep breathing deep because I didn’t understand. I remember she told me her heart rate was low and it was important I breathe. I remember the doctor finally coming in and telling me it was time, my contractions were happening faster and it needed to be now because her heart rate was dropping drastically. I remember my husband and my mother each grabbing and holding my legs as I began my first push to bring my little girl into this world. I remember being told to hold my breath to push better. I remember several pushes before having the doctor tell me to stop. She was fighting with something but I didn’t know what. I felt a weird pressure then release. Then I heard her say she didn’t know if she could get the second one off and the concern on my husband and moms faces. I remember a loud POP then being told to push again. I remember starting to realize the cord was around her neck, and not just once but twice, and it was tight. Then I remember being told it was ok, she was ok. They got it off. I remember more pushes. “Hold you breathe Malley. Push. Hold your breath. But keep pushing.” I remember both my mom and husband whispering in my ear each time I pushed. “You’re doing so good. You can do it. She’s almost there. I’m so proud of you.” I remember being told her head was out and feeling such a release of pressure. I remember being told to push but with half the strength. A few more pushes and she’s out. I remember the nurse laying her on my chest. She looked so beautiful, but she was blue. I remember the tears of joy but then the worry. “Is she ok? Is she ok? Why is she blue? What’s wrong?” I remember the nurse suctioning. Her nose. Her mouth. Her nose. Her mouth. So much amniotic fluid. How do we live in that for so long? She’s alright I was told as she began to finally cry and return her color. It felt like an hour though I know it was only seconds. I remember looking at her lips. How can lips be so small? How can she even open her mouth with lips so little? I remember my husband looking at her hands saying the same about her fingers as she laced them around his pointer finger. I remember seeing her open her eyes for the first time. Her eyes so dark you couldn’t even tell the color. They had a mysterious beauty to them. I   remember being told to gently push a few more times and my stomach being kneaded on to deliver the placenta. I remember my family coming in with such joy on their faces as they welcomed baby Bellea into the world.

Why I Started A Blog

Hello everyone,

I decided I wanted to talk a little bit about why I started this blog, I have many reasons but I’ve narrowed it down to the important ones to share.

Firstly is because I have talked for months (ok…maybe years) about making a blog but never had the spunk and will to actually do it. I love to write and now writing about my lie, my family, and my little girl I love it even more. Its an outlet for stress and for fun, a way I can express everything but whats even better now is I’m sharing it with other people and putting my stories and writing out there for other parents to read which leads me to reason two.

The second reason I decided to start a blog is that being a parent is hard, and anyone who is a parent knows that its true. So this is the place I want to share my stories about my life and rasing a little girl. I want to share the struggles and hopefully, have some moments people can relate with. Because I remember a few months back feeling like I wasn’t a good enough mom and wife and that I could do better and wasn’t giving enough but I just had nothing else to give. A few days later I happened to stumble upon a blog on Instagram by a mother of two named Shannon, I will put a link for her Instagram down below for anyone who would like to read her blog. She had posted about needing to take time for yourself in order to be a better mother, something which I struggle to do. I read many more of her blog post and felt better and better about myself and how I was raising my daughter and my relationship with my husband. It made me finally realize that I wasn’t the only one with these concerns and definitely not the only one to feel this way. So after that, I decided that I wanted to share my stories, tips, and whatever else I could for the next mom who feels the way I did an still sometimes do and needs some reassurance.

The third and last reason is that I decided I did, in fact, need time to myself. I needed a way to express myself and have “me time” without my crazy 10-month-old and goofy husband. They are my favorite thing but everyone needs time to themselves and I strongly believe that. Plus is it that much space when I’m writing about them? I might love my family a little bit.

That being said I am still learning a lot about blogging and am excited to and happy I finally went for it. So if anyone else is sitting on their couches thinking about the thing they want to do, like perhaps start a blog. GO. FOR. IT. Grab the bull by the horns and explore the unknown of the things you want to do.

The Last Few Months Of Breastfeeding Before Weaning

Well, miss Bellea has just recently turned 10 months and I had the realization I’m coming up on my last two months of breastfeeding before I try to start weaning her from breast milk.

I was overcome with many emotions after this realization. So many things will change. There will be no more need for breast pads or the occasional forgotten breast pad that leads to milk leaking through my shirt for everyone to see. No more watching what I eat or drink, or how much soda I can intake. No more nursing bras and tops or covers. No more pumping every night before bed to have bottles in case. (that one I really won’t miss) no more engorged breasts plugged milk ducts or mastitis.

I got really excited at first realizing I would only have a few more months of this. Then I realized what all I would lose. No more early morning breastfeeding when we are both half asleep and I get to feel her warm breath on me. No more of her falling asleep against my skin and nuzzling closer when I tried to move away. No more silly milk drink baby with it running down her face in excitement. I am losing a bond only I can ever have with my baby girl. A type of bond I won’t have again until I have another baby. And even then it will be different I’m sure.

I realized I would go through all of the ‘not so good’ parts of breastfeeding again and again just to have my baby girl that close to me and to be able to provide her the nutrients only I can.

So In these last few months of breastfeeding, I plan to soak in every second of it. Endure her pulling away and getting milk everywhere only to cry a few seconds later that she isn’t eating. I’m going to let her fall asleep while eating and stay there a little longer before replacing my body with a pacifier. I want to live in these moments while I can. So moms, when you sweet babies are there wanting to eat for the fifth time in the hour or your breast, are so sore you wonder what you do this for, just remember one day you won’t get to anymore. So let’s all try to enjoy these moments while they last and give our babies what they need. The love, the bonding, the nutrients.

After all, they are only little for a little while.